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Seminar on how to prevent disease 5/11 1:00pm

Seminar on how to prevent disease by Chen Chen
-- 5/11 1:00pm at Chinese School Room #208

最新科学研究表明,糖萼是附着于体内所有血管管腔内皮细胞表面的一层胶状薄膜。它的存在阻止血液中脂肪和蛋白与血管壁直接接触,妨碍血小板(凝血作用)及白细胞(炎症反应)粘附在血管内壁。同时,糖萼可以感测传导血流变化,以此调控血管内壁表皮细胞合成分泌包括一氧化氮在内的多种生化功能分子。一旦糖萼受到破坏,血管内皮功能损失,包括心肌梗塞,中风,高血压,糖尿病,肾衰,老年痴呆等多种急慢性疾病即可发生。目前医学科学界刚刚开始注意到糖萼在预防和治疗多种疾病中的重要作用,产品研发还处在萌芽状态。我们的研究表明,通过改善饮食,戒除不良生活习惯和正确使用营养添加剂,人体可以有效修复受损糖萼,从而达到预防疾病,改善身心健康 状态的理想效果。

Note: Chen Chen received a PhD in nutritional science and has worked in food, dietary supplement, and pharmaceutical industries for 20 years.

Endothelial Glycocalyx: A New Paradigm in Understanding and Managing Cardiovascular Related Diseases

The glycocalyx is a gel-like layer lining the luminal side of the endothelium in all blood vessels. It provides a micro-environment for many vital processes in the vascular system. Glycocalyx has been demonstrated to limit the accessibility of lipids and proteins and to form a barrier for adhesion of platelets and inflammatory cells to the vascular wall. It plays a central role in mechanosensing and transduction of hemodynamic stimuli to the endothelium, thereby regulating the production of among many others nitric oxide. Damage of the glycocalyx is associated with impaired endothelial functions, which has been implicated in the pathologies of atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s disease, just to name a few. While pharmaceutical modalities are being developed, life style changes such as dietary modification and supplementation can be used effectively to restore damaged glycocalyx and, therefore, to improve the related health conditions.

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